The mind and
concept behind
Leadership in Motion

Dr. Natascha Rosellen, born in 1971, is a consultant, trainer and coach in the field of management development, coaching and strategic leadership.

She studied organizational, labor and clinical psychology at the universities of Massachusetts, Boston, Konstanz and Tübingen and wrote her Ph. D. thesis in 2000. She received her certificate of systemic family therapy from the Institut für Familientherapie Weinheim and a certificate in hypnotherapy from the Milton Erickson Gesellschaft Munich.

“I see myself as a facilitator of individual development and growth. I love to offer a space where people can experience the guidance, the strength and the support that their body and its intelligence provide. Together we create something new, unknown and helpful.
I look at the body as our biggest resource for human development. The second resource is the social systems we work or live in. Leadership in Motion combines leadership challenges with both of these worlds.
It never ceases to fascinate me how much movement can support people to deeply trust themselves and create new steps. This change is clear, authentic and powerful because it is grounded in the center of ourselves.”

After being trained as a consultant for organizational development she delved deep into the coaching of leadership persons and teams. Beside training individuals she has supported numerous HR-Units in personal, structural and organizational change processes, set up and supported mentoring programs and diversity-based personality development schemes on national and international level. Her clients come from the fields of politics, administrational business, non-profit organizations and automobile companies.


She works in English, German and French.
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Natascha Rosellen offers:

  1. Business Coaching and Mentoring on a one-on-one basis to persons in leadership and executive positions
  2. Consulting and support services during team development processes and during the different phases of organizational change and/or major reorganizations.

„In my coching sessions, I always come to Dr. Rosellen with circling thoughts and questions. Sometimes they are accompanied by restlessness and tension, shallow breathing, headaches or the feeling of being tired and exhausted. As a structured-thinking person, I am constantly tempted and used to approaching things and questions purely cognitively from my head alone, analyzing problems and finding strategic solutions in my everyday professional life. I can still remember a meeting last winter: despite sufficient sleep, I arrived tired in Tübingen in the morning. I was cold, although the room was well heated and the teacup was in hand. After a good quarter of an hour of sitting and talking, Dr. Rosellen asked me to get up and engage in an exercise. To listen to a meditative music, not to speak and to try to 'turn off the head'. To let go of the questions and for a few moments not to immediately work on solution strategies. But to tune into the melody with my body, with arms and legs and to transform it into movements. Not to think about which movement could fit now, but to intuitively let the movements come and go. After a few minutes of movement I felt a change - purely physical. I could perceive myself differently. I became warm. The breath went deeper and the neck no longer felt so tense. The questions in my head had faded. Not gone, but no longer so pressing. Moving to the music gave me a boost of energy and after a loosening exercise at the end, I was much more relaxed than before. And even the previously rather diffuse questions were more focused and clear for processing.“